Talia Franks

Sarah Del’s “Dreamed Wedding”

Sarah Del’s “Dreamed Wedding”

Dreamed Weddingby Sarah Delice melts in boot treadsdrips onto the floor  forming a puddle below the high table in the bar area empty, save for twograndparents, a six year-old...

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Laura Rodley’s “Groundhog”

Laura Rodley’s “Groundhog”

Groundhogby Laura RodleyThe groundhog’s fur is silver, silkily rippling in the windas she chomps ends of grasses, clover, not yet have I seen her eat anything that causes consternation;she has scoured the walking path festoonedwith acorns that have...

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Kerry Loughman’s “Social Distancing Becomes Me”

Kerry Loughman’s “Social Distancing Becomes Me”

Social Distancing Becomes Me by Kerry LoughmanRemotely I discard the sentiment of hearts beating as onewhen no two hearts can beat               equally without cost.  I am the least trod path and mask my fearswith the polished nicetyof a forced smile....

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Getting to Know Stephan Delbos & His New Book, Small Talk

Getting to Know Stephan Delbos & His New Book, Small Talk

When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? My mother instilled my love of reading. She encouraged me to get my library card at a young age and to take out as many books as I wanted. Then I crashed my bike riding home from...

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Getting to Know Peter Filkins & His New Book, Water/Music

Getting to Know Peter Filkins & His New Book, Water/Music

When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? I began writing poems in a high school creative writing class. Back then I thought I wanted to write fiction, but as soon as I started writing poems, I was hooked. There...

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