When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? My earliest encounters with poetry were poems by A.A.Milne and Robert Louis Stevenson. As a teenager and young adult I spent time in the New Hampshire and the Maine woods and I...
Getting To Know
Getting to Know Katie Mihalek
When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? Poetry was the first form of creative expression that I can remember being truly irresistible. The idea of writing being something that could move down the page without being...
Getting to Know Danielle Legros Georges
When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? My first encounters with poetry occurred when I was a child, hearing nursery rhymes and songs, along with school-yard rhymes. I imagine this is true for many of us. High school...
Getting to Know Linda Flaherty Haltmaier
When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? My first encounter was listening to my father recite poetry on long car rides. “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner” was a favorite: All in a hot and copper sky/the bloody sun at...
Getting To Know Dianne Silvestri
When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? In second grade I was thrilled to have my first poem displayed on the bulletin board. The following year I authored a much longer rhyming piece, which I can still recite! The...
Getting to Know Jack Giaour
When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? I’ve been an avid (and advanced) reader since I was in 1st grade, but I think I truly discovered poetry through music. All the way into college I wanted to be a musician, but...
Getting to Know Robbie Gamble
When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? I heard Anne Sexton read when I was fourteen (my aunt and uncle were friends of hers), and I was stunned by the power of her presence and her words. I also had a wonderful high...
Getting to Know Hannah Siciliano
When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? As a child I first encountered poetry when I was given a Shel Silverstein book. Later in grade school I can remember an assignment of taking text from Macbeth and creating a...
Getting to Know Tatiana Johnson-Boria
When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? I know I must have encountered poetry earlier than high school but the moment that sticks with me the most was in a high school AP English Language & Composition class. Our...
Getting to Know Janet Aalfs
When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems?I found poetry everywhere in the remote mountains of southern West Virginia where I spent the firstpart of my childhood. I remember teaching myself how to write a 4 in the dirt...
Getting to Know Leticia Priebe Rocha
When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? It is no exaggeration when I say that poetry has been a lifeline for me. I started writing poetry when I was in high school. As a teenager, I struggled with severe untreated...
Getting to Know Elizabeth Sylvia
When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? Like any good Doc Martens wearing teenage proto-goth of the early ‘90s, I loved Sylvia Plath, along with Yeats. It’s hard to believe now, but that was as close to contemporary...
Getting to Know Paola Authievre
Authievre answered our questions in English and Spanish. Enjoy her responses. Authievre contestó nuestras preguntas en inglés y español. ¡Disfruta sus respuestas! When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? Before I knew I...
Getting to Know Frances Donovan
When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems?I was drawn to repetition in sounds and language from an early age – my earliest memories are of the Madeline books (“She even said ‘poo-poo’ to the lion in the zoo”) and the...
Getting to Know Matthew E. Henry
When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? Like most kids, I was exposed to and asked to write poetry in elementary school. In middle school and high school we were forced to analyze the genre. For most of that time, I...
Getting to Know Usman Hameedi, Author of Staying Right Here
When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? I first encountered poetry when I was in elementary school and then got more exposure to it in middle school. I enjoyed it. Poetry assignments were fun. But that was it. It...
Getting to Know Mary Buchinger, Author of Virology
When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? My mother learned many poems by heart and still, at age 92, can recite poetry she learned when she was a child. I am only now realizing how much poetry was a part of my childhood...
Getting to Know Ben Berman, Author of Writing While Parenting
Writing While Parenting is a collection of essays that explores the connections between poetry and parenting. How did you discover that you wanted to write about the overlap of these two subjects? Many of these essays come from a monthly column that I started writing...
Getting to Know Carolyn Oliver, Author of Inside the Storm I Want To Touch the Tremble
When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? Both my parents read aloud to me and my siblings when we were small, and so my first experiences with poetry included children’s verses with strong rhymes and narrative...
Getting to Know Margot Wizansky, Author of “Wild for Life”
When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? My mother read poems to me, When We Were Very Young, “James James/ Morrison Morrison/ Weatherby George Dupree/ Took great/ Care of his mother/ Though he was only three” and...
Getting to Know Wendy Drexler, Author of Notes from the Column of Memory
When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? I’ve always loved words, and while I worked professionally as an editor for many years, I didn’t discover until decades later that I might have something of my own to say and a...