
Getting to Know Kristian Macaron, Author of Recipe for Time Travel in Case We Lose Each Other

Getting to Know Kristian Macaron, Author of Recipe for Time Travel in Case We Lose Each Other

“I wasn’t just writing about the earth, but the earth as a body, deep time and time travel, but more so about myself and my heart—learning to see myself through stages of recognition, voice, transformation and renewal. In retrospect, much of this was a study of spending time in the unfamiliar to allow what feels like disaster or quest to turn into a renewed understanding of strength, certainty and self-love.” — Kristian Macaron

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Disability Justice Folio

Disability Justice Folio

For the last two years, Mass Poetry has been bringing you the “Hard Work of Hope,” a series of poems from members of our community that tell the story of the pandemic and all its ripple effects in our lives. But we cannot tell the full story without hearing from...

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Getting to Know José Araguz, Author of Rotura

Getting to Know José Araguz, Author of Rotura

“One of the things I like to make time for is writing out a poem by hand. It’s something I recommend to folks as it places us in a similar silence as the act of writing a poem ourselves. It also slows us down and has us paying attention to words.” — José Araguz

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Grace Mattern’s “An American Elegy”

An American ElegyGrace Mattern We go back to not dying,wherever we fall is the beginning —an allée of elms planted to createa lace of sunlight and shadow.What separates branches from windin designing their dance? Nothing.We carry our own seasons wonderingwhen we will...

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Elisa Rowe’s “Grounding Lavender”

Elisa Rowe’s “Grounding Lavender”

Grounding Lavender Elisa Rowe Wrap a scarf likekneading dough, poola little lavender to grazemy cheek.My body, a slippingfinger on a piano. Mybody, trembling into tune.I want to be soft likebelonging. I wantmy neurons to fire acountry into memory.Routine is like a...

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Getting to Know Rebecca Kaiser Gibson, Author of Girl as Birch

Getting to Know Rebecca Kaiser Gibson, Author of Girl as Birch

“It’s been astonishing to have entered each poem individually, and then to discover that they were interacting with each other. I love the dynamic process of discovering connections I didn’t realize were there. It’s as if the poems have a life of their own, and reach across the book to reflect on one another.” — Rebecca Kaiser Gibson

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Anthony Febo’s “notes on: acts of service”

Anthony Febo’s “notes on: acts of service”

notes on: acts of service by Anthony Febo and so i propose to you to ponder thisin all the attire you may dress Love in  - a night by fire or a stroll under starlight or the pulse of the city - may you not overlook the way “everyday small acts”...

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Getting to Know Anjalequa Birkett, Boston’s new Youth Poet Laureate

Getting to Know Anjalequa Birkett, Boston’s new Youth Poet Laureate

“It took me a while to understand that a poet isn’t defined by complex metaphors or the way they present their work…a poet is only defined as and by the person whose name and essence stamp those stanzas and similes. So in short, don’t let what you think hold you back. Let what you know push you forward.” — Anjalequa Birkett

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The Hard Work of Witness Poetry Folio

The Hard Work of Witness Poetry Folio

Shortly after COVID-19's arrival in our state, Mass Poetry put out a call for poems of this moment and we were stunned by the overwhelming response. In a way, these were poems of witness, asking you to pay attention to what was happening in the world during...

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Getting to Know AR Dugan, Author of “Wanted: Comedy, Addicts”

Getting to Know AR Dugan, Author of “Wanted: Comedy, Addicts”

“People say (poets say) they write poems because they have to. It’s not a choice. Poetry is how they are able to move through the world. Poetry helps me get out from under the farce of the world. It helps me get out from under the weight of my existence, and my complicity in the cycle.” — AR Dugan

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