Katie Mihalek

SCI AmeriCorps Fellow

Katie Mihalek is a poet, educator, and editor living in Somerville, MA. She holds an M.S. in Medical Sciences from Boston University and, most recently, an MFA in Creative Writing at Emerson College. Her interdisciplinary studies and past careers are foundational to her work in discussion facilitation and creative expression, as well as bringing poetry to the larger community to encourage agency and empowerment in expression across backgrounds. She has served as the Editor-in-Chief for Redivider, has worked with EmersonWRITES, and is the Poetry Editor for Fork Apple Press. She has also received support from the Kenyon Review Writers Workshop and the Southampton Writers Conference. Her poetry can be found in Frontier, TIMBER, Sheila-Na-Gig, and others. Her debut chapbook, Aurora Uteralis, is forthcoming from Finishing Line Press in November 2024.