Steven Cramer

Getting To Know Steven Cramer & His New Book, Listen

Getting To Know Steven Cramer & His New Book, Listen

When did you first encounter poetry? How did you discover that you wanted to write poems? There was no poetry in my parents’ house, and mostly genre prose. Ian Fleming, not Henry Fielding. From first to twelfth grade, I read what teachers assigned, too often less than...

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Steven Cramer’s “Rereading Tranströmer in a Pandemic”

Steven Cramer’s “Rereading Tranströmer in a Pandemic”

Rereading Tranströmer in a Pandemic by Steven Cramer I’ve seen next to no one.My street, which I’ve namedThe Busiest in the Known Cosmos,I could lay my body down on. Nobody’s sick, goes the newsfrom Antarctica, where snowpetrels, to repel predators, spewstomach oils...

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