Sarah O’Brien loves dark chocolate and light wordplay. Sarah is the author of the poetry book Shapeshifter and she is Founder and Editor-in-Chief of Boston Accent Lit, a literary journal and press. She earned her MFA in Poetry at the University of Nebraska-Omaha. Sarah has been published in places such as Allegro Poetry Magazine, Elbow Room, Helen Literary Magazine, Homology Lit, and The Flat Water Stirs: An Anthology of Emerging Nebraska Poets. She was runner-up for the 2018 Helen W. Kenefick Academy of American Poets prize with her poem “School of Love.” Sarah is active in the writing community; she often reads work at The Bebop or Cantab Lounge and she volunteers at Grub Street’s Muse & the Marketplace and Mass Poetry’s annual Poetry Festival. Learn more at
Sarah O’Brien