Strongest Link Community Activist
Exonerated. June 11, 2019 marked the end of a wrongful murder conviction in which Darrell Jones served 32 years of his life detained in some of the most dangerous Massachusetts prisons – all for a crime he did not commit. Having been incarcerated from the age of 18, the fortitude and perseverance necessary to take back his freedom is the same formula he continues to apply to advocate change for others who have been falsely convicted and/or treated unfairly by the criminal justice system. The numerous programs he developed while incarcerated are utilized by colleges, high schools and community leaders to educate the public. The ability to both identify program inconsistencies and encourage and promote effective solutions, has resulted in his current position as the Advisor/Consultant to the Mayor of Boston on Public Safety Agendas. Although these efforts have gained national recognition and resulted in citations, the simple goal of helping people and making a difference is what continues to drive him. Darrell’s ultimate belief is that there can be no justice where there is no recognition of love.